New theme
Incident of the 8th January
After ten years, it was due to happen: this site got lost after an incident with the web host. At first, it looked all right, but then customers learned that the data was likely lost. It turned out that the host was able to recover the data. Ten years is a long run for a website. Anyway, following this incident is a perfect time to relaunch the front page with an updated design and newer works.
No more database, please
Database means time-consuming maintenance. It also means data loss looming around the corner, backups notwithstanding. With this in mind, rebuilding this site with Jekyll, that I use for my illustration portfolio, seemed like a logical choice. The transition from WordPress to Jekyll went smoothly.
Keeping an archive of the pages may well be worth it for SEO alone. You can find all blog posts here.
Source code
The new site uses Jekyll + Tachyons. You are welcome to contribute to improving this theme: