Posts from 2020

Film Treatment and Storyboard Templates Bundle ⚡️

Introducing Membership 👇

If you work in film production, animation, or TV commercials under tight deadlines, you know how stressful it can be to produce high-end, professional-looking presentations in record time. Carefully designed, ready to use layouts for storyboard presentations and film treatments will save you a lot of time and headaches.

Updated · 1 min read

Angels & Demons

Storyboard Angels & Demons.

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Animatic storyboard for a pitch

animatic pitch

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Animatic test

animation characters test WIP sketch

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Police team watching over the Law Courts of Brussels, ballpoint sketch.

Police team watching over the Law Courts of Brussels, ballpoint sketch.

· Less than 1 min read

Oppo Compass

Oppo Compass storyboard 01

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US Cavalry Museum storyboard

Storyboard Landscaping

1.2 The army did considerable landscaping work to level hills and ravines on Fort Riley’s Parade Field site and its surrounding area. (In the background, the Post Sutler)

Updated · Less than 1 min read

Storyboard page

Storyboard page sketches

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Site relaunch

Film Storyboards site relaunch with a new theme built with Jekyll.

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