Yves Capelle
Designing stories since 1999.
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Praxinoscope — Galloping Warhorse

9th December 2014

Praxinoscope animation - Animated castilian knight on galloping warhorse

A short animated test done in Adobe Flash

Praxinoscope illustration - Galloping horse rough - Ink drawing on paper

Praxinoscope illustration - Castilian knight - line drawing, sketch on paper

Praxinoscope preparatory illustration - Galloping horse - ink drawing on paper

Praxinoscope illustration - Castilian knight and galloping horse - animation transparency layers

Praxinoscope illustration - Castilian knight in armour charging on horse - black and white drawing.

Praxinoscope illustration - Castilian knight in armour charging on horse - motion study.

Studies and illustrations for a praxinoscope featuring a 14th century Castilian knight charging on warhorse.

Inspired by Muybridge sequential photographs of a galloping horse from his famous Animal Locomotion series (1887). I would recommend the book, still unmatched to this day as a reference for painters and animators interested in studying movement. This praxinoscope is part of a larger permanent historical exhibition designed for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre, in Fronteira, Portugal. The knight above is an example of the cavalry that took part in the Battle of Atoleiros in April 1384, between Portuguese infantry and a punitive expedition sent by John I of Castile.

Project design by Johan Schelfhout, M.D. Maverick ICS.

More samples about this project in the Film Storyboards Drawers blog. If you liked this post and are interested the rich medieval history of Portugal, watch more Atoleiros Battle animatic storyboards and the Aljubarrota battle storyboards.